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Our Submissions Process

We welcome submissions prepared according to our guidelines and give serious consideration to every book proposal we receive. Due to the high volume of submissions, we cannot confirm receipt of every query.

After receiving your submission, CRP will review it to see if it meets our standards and current requirements. Though our goal is to respond within ninety days after receipt of your proposal, the review process for full-length manuscripts can take up to four to six months or longer in some instances.

We appreciate your patience when submitting your manuscript. In the unlikely event you do not hear from us after six months, please send a follow-up email requesting information. Any phone calls, emails, or letters of inquiry before the six-month mark will not hasten the process.

While under review, your manuscript will be held in the strictest confidence, and it will not be used, shown, or discussed with any party not associated with CRP.

If you have any questions prior to submitting a proposal, feel free to contact us.

We are not accepting poetry at this time.

What We Are Looking For

We currently welcome submissions in any of the following categories:

  • Chemical Addiction and Recovery
  • Behavioral Addiction and Recovery
  • Trauma and Addiction
  • Self-Help/Personal Growth and Development
  • Spirituality/Mindfulness
  • Compassion/Forgiveness
  • Parenting
  • Grief and Loss
  • Behavioral Health
  • Caregiving
  • Relationships
  • LGBTQIA/BIPOC/Underserved Minorities
  • Community/Public Health

How to Submit a Proposal

You may submit your manuscript proposal via email to submissions@centralrecovery.com. Please take careful note of the following guidelines, and be sure to include all six points in your proposal. Submissions that are incomplete or fail to adhere to these guidelines will not be considered:

  1. Synopsis: Provide a concise summary of your book and its objective (no more than 500 words). If the manuscript is complete, include the word count; if it is not, please state how many chapters are completed (a minimum of two are required for consideration), and give your realistic estimate by when you would have the final manuscript completed.
  2. Audience: Describe your intended target audience for this book, such as people in addiction/twelve-step recovery; family members of those in addiction/twelve-step recovery; addiction, behavioral healthcare, and healthcare professionals; treatment settings/programs; educators and those interested in learning about addiction; children, adolescents, or young adults; any others. Please be as specific as possible.
  3. Market: Explain what need your book addresses and how your readers will benefit from reading it. This is the place to list any unique selling points and marketing pitches you feel best capture the value of your book.
  4. Competition: Provide a comprehensive list of existing books that are comparable to yours and written within the last three years. Include clear and compelling explanations in each case as to why your book will be better or different enough to warrant publication.
  5. About the Author: Briefly describe what makes you uniquely suited to write this book, including any relevant information on your professional credentials, current occupation, and previously published works. We welcome resumes and curriculum vitae, but they do not replace a brief author bio written specifically to highlight your qualifications relevant to the book. If the manuscript is produced with the assistance of a co-writer, ghost writer, or book coach, please include their qualifications.
  6. Manuscript Sample: Attach a detailed outline (chapter-by-chapter summary) of the book; the Table of Contents; the Introduction; and a substantial sample with a minimum of 15,000 to 20,000 words, or as much of the manuscript as is completed. Please note that CRP will not consider a submission that is less than 50,000 words. Previously unpublished authors are strongly encouraged to submit complete manuscripts to increase their chances of publication. Published authors are encouraged to send excerpts of previously published work.

Manuscript Format Style Guide

In preparing your manuscript for submission, please observe the following style guide:

We are not accepting incomplete manuscript submissions or books that have been self-published.

  • Submit manuscript as a Microsoft Word or PDF attachment.
  • Use Times New Roman font and twelve-point type throughout.
  • Double space all parts of the manuscript, with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Number pages consecutively, not chapter by chapter.
  • Paragraphs should be indented, not tabbed.
  • Use only one space after periods.
  • Citations should be formatted according to the current edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
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