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Road Trip Day 6

As I travel trough the US I see that it is likely that childhood obesity will become more of a health care problem before it gets better.The reality is that the distribution of fast, unhealthy foods are growing at alarming rates, foods that are...

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Road Trip Day 3

I have wanted to travel Route 66 since I was a kid. The road that was once the East to West coast passage is now a fragmentation, the verisimilitude, of its historical fame. Three or four blocks mark the way with antique stores selling...

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Road Trip Day 2

Today, on the road from Flagstaff, Arizona on my way to Albuquerque, New Mexico, I am reminded of what poor understanding we humans have of obesity. It is rare to hear a joke about someone with cancer or Parkinson’s, or the disease...

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Road Trip Day 1

Today is the first day of my book tour. Dr. Robin Huhn and I left Henderson, Nevada at 9:30 am and arrived in Flagstaff, Arizona at 2:00 pm. Flagstaff is a college community and most of the employees are college students. The young lady at the...

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