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I am working on my next book, which will be titled, Fear: Feel It, Face It, and Grow. My publisher, Central Recovery Press, has started the editing process. The book will publish in March of 2012 and we should have everything done and ready to send to the presses in the fall of this year.
I have written the Introduction, Dedication, Acknowledgments, and Table of Contents. Due to space limitations within the Acknowledgments, I certainly could not mention everyone who has had a positive impact on the book, so please know that if you are in my life, or ever have been, I have learned something from you and you deserve your share of the credit for the experiences I share in the book. I thank you all.
A graphic artist, who is working closely with my publisher, is working a cover design; if things go as they did last time, which I believe they will, I should be receiving two covers for my review. I can then put in my two cents about which one I think we should use. I couldn’t have been happier with the cover of my first book Becoming Normal, and I expect the cover of Fear to be just as wonderful.
I will keep you posted on the progress as things move along. And if things move forward like they did before, the waiting will be the hardest part for me.

Buy the Book! - Becoming Normal - An Ever-Changing Perspective

This blog post was written by Mark Edick, author of the book, Becoming Normal – An Ever-Changing Perspective.

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