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On May 19th, I attended the first annual Flint Public Library Book Expo. I had a blast, and not just because I seemed to be surrounded by beautiful women. I was in a room filled with people who write and it was fun to spend the afternoon talking with writers while signing and selling copies of my own work.
I met four particularly interesting people, all women ( I was surrounded by them, remember), that I would like to mention because they have work out that I found as intriguing as I did the people who did the work.
Stacey Rourke writes Young Adult stuff. What that means, exactly, I don’t know but I will find out since I bought the first two books in what she says will be a four book series. She also runs her own publishing company, has an amazing husband and two small girls. I don’t know how she does it all. She claims she doesn’t sleep, but I think she exaggerates (slightly) on that.
Eileen Button has a book on waiting. She says, “To wait is human. To find life in the waiting place is divine.” I can’t wait to read that one.
Kelly Flynn has a book of anecdotes about her days as a high school teacher that just sounded too good to leave laying on the table. I figure it might just help me relive (and relieve myself of) my high school days.
Danielle Green wrote about her days growing up in Flint, Michigan. Being born in Flint, and raised just outside it, in Flushing, I couldn’t turn this one down either. And I’m drooling over the prospect of reading it.
Looks like I have some new reading material. And while I spent nearly as much as I took in at the Expo, the experience was priceless . . . priceless. I hope (as they claim) they do it again next year.

Buy the Book! - Becoming Normal - An Ever-Changing Perspective

This blog post was written by Mark Edick, author of the book, Becoming Normal – An Ever-Changing Perspective.

Buy the Book! - Fear - Feel It, Face It, and Grow

This blog post was written by Mark Edick, author of the book, Fear – Feel It, Face It, and Grow.

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