I have just spent three well deserved days of rest in Charleston, South Carolina. Definitely worth seeing if you have never visited the city.
The BEA Convention in NYC was a great success. I signed many of my ‘Why is Brian So Fat?’ books. It was an important day for Brian!
On the book tour Dr. Robin Huhn has stopped at every bookstore along the route to present the book to each store. The response has been one of interest, with positive feedback. The two most common comments are: “This is a very timely book.” and ” There are so few chidren’s books about childhood obesity.” Bookstore managers are impressed with the front cover art work. Also, Dr. Huhn has passed on marketing cards to anyone she meets; wait staff, store cashiers, valet attendants, hotel staff… The word is getting out there!
We are on our way to Anaheim, California to attend the American Librarians Association. Central Rcovery Press will have a book signing booth for me to share ‘Brian’ with librarians from all over the US.
I have to say that Central Recovery Press, Patrick and Judy, has been very supportive of me and ‘Brian’. Tonight I stay in Tallahassee.
This blog post was written by Gary Solomon, PhD, author of the book, Why Is Brian So Fat?