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Antidepressants, counseling and a husband, family and circle of friends who stuck by me, sometimes just to keep me company while I did little but stare at my uneaten lunch, helped me recover. That, and learning in time to trust my parental instincts.

The above quote is from an article in the Bangor Daily News written by Amy Rogers Nazarov. In the article she discusses depression resulting from adoption, an area very little addressed in the depression field. She went over all the triggers for depression that occurred to different people following adoption, the paths chosen to seek healing, and the overlooking in many circles of such an occurrence.
It was interesting this morning to read this article on the heels of a discussion Amy and I had about new treatments for depression. Again and again we came back to the importance of community in depression treatment. Reading Rogers Nazarov’s article only reinforced that, especially in the quote above.
There’s no way around it. Whether it is depression from adoption or birth, depression in a senior or in a child, depression from post traumatic stress or bullying – the treatment must include the community if healing is to occur.
Our thanks to articles like that of Amy Rogers Nazarov’s which shows how depression enters many areas of life and that community is an important factor in making healing possible.

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