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One of the most frightening things for sex addicts who enter recovery and for their partners is hearing that disclosure is widely regarded as a foundational step in recovery and in relationship rebuilding. Disclosure is not dumping details about acting out on the partner. It is not a play-by-play account of sexual behaviors.
Rather, disclosure is a clinical process that is carefully prepared with the help of a sex addiction therapist. There is an exacting process that is followed in the preparation of disclosure. And when this document has been carefully prepared and properly edited, the actual disclosure session with the partner is facilitated by a therapist who has advanced skills in treating sex addiction.
Secrets have shame attached to them. As long as a sex addict has any secrets and the accompanying shame, they will act like a magnet to draw the addict back into those same old behaviors.
Putting an end to secrets is foundational for rebuilding a relationship that has been badly damaged by sex addiction. For more information about disclosures and how they are prepared and facilitated, read Stop Sex Addiction: Real Hope, True Freedom for Sex Addicts and Partners.

Buy the Book! Stop Sex Addiction -- Real Hope, True Freedom, for Sex Addicts and Partners

This blog post was written by Dr. Milton Magness, author of the book, Stop Sex Addiction — Real Hope, True Freedom, for Sex Addicts and Partners

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