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Dr. Gary Solomon is on the road promoting his new book, WHY IS BRIAN SO FAT? He will be blogging as he crosses the country.
The following thoughts come after watching a segment on GMA this morning about a weight loss bootcamp in North Carolina for teens. The United States is beginning to confront the truth  about childhood obesity. That childhood obesity is the pre curser to adult obesity is without question. Constant analysis and evaluation continues to lead us to one conclusion: we’re consuming too much food; we’re consuming too much
bad food. But we are not spending any time understanding why. Obesity is a disease that is a byproduct of a disease. Obesity is a stress related illness. Until such time as we acknowledge the psychosocial stress and it’s origin the disease of obesity will continue to proliferate in an economy that fosters the consumption of unhealthy, deadly foods.

Buy the Book! - Why Is Brian So Fat?

This blog post was written by Gary Solomon, PhD, author of the book, Why Is Brian So Fat?

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