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Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.–Joseph Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987)
I have found that with challenge comes opportunity, and with opportunity there comes challenge. I am so delighted to have become a published author with Central Recovery Press.
My challenge came several years ago. I had been practicing the principles of my recovery program for over a decade. I had hit a painful wall and felt disconnected. Feeling “apart from” is a dangerous sensation for me; it can lead to aloneness, and then to despair. My journey into yoga grew out of this pain and a fear of relapse. As a woman in recovery – the fear of relapse for me is far greater than my fear of death. When I had hit that plateau in my recovery I was fortunate in finding a yoga mat. This quest into yoga brought me to the deeper philosophy of yoga. The more I learned about yoga the more I fell in love with my recovery program! Each on enthused the other. In yoga I was learning about the practices I incorporate not just on the mat but out in my life, just as I practice the principles of my program, not just in meetings, but in all my affairs.
I wanted to learn more about this synergy and looked for literature that brought a correlation between raja yoga and recovery. There is very little out there. I was perplexed! They were so similar; I felt so at home in each. I knew there had to be a connection. I read, I studied with others, and I made notes. This book rose out of that curiosity.
This book is the opportunity that rose out of that challenge. The challenge that comes from this opportunity is that now I have a book out! I am delighted to have it available and I hope you will find it useful. I look forward to all responses and reactions to the book. It is not the definitive volume – it is a beginning to the conversation. Lets talk.

Buy the Book! Yoga and the Twelve Steps

This blog post was written by Kcyzy Hawk, author of the book, Yoga and the Twelve-Step Path.


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